How our 1:1's supplement your subscription

UXGO, a community by and for UX enthusiasts, provides rigorously trained coaches and updated resources. When you book a class, 90% of your payment goes directly to your chosen coach, not us. We meticulously select coaches for the highest standards. Our 60-minute 1:1 sessions are carefully prepared and recorded internally. Share your recording if unsatisfied, and we'll address it promptly.

September 10, 2023
Masters application prep + sr UXD
(20+ classes taught)
August 8, 2023
Sr UXD/Experienced mentor & community leader
(50+ classes taught)
November 7, 2023
Microsoft UXD/Portfolio expert
(10+ classes taught)
April 6, 2023
Ex-Adp mentor/UW HCDE/Internship prep
(30+ classes taught)
February 15, 2023
Webflow & Portfolio expert, 1000+ resumes reviewed
(100+ classes taught)
January 1, 2023
UXD@Amazon CMU MCHID + Interview prep
(30+ classes taught)
January 1, 2023
UXD@Walmart CCA Masters & FAANG interview prep
(~10 classes taught)
August 12, 2022
UXD@Expedia MHCID & interview prep
(45+ classes taught)
January 1, 2023
UXD@Goldman Sachs UX Influencer + career planning
(40+ classes taught)
April 15, 2023
UXR@Google&PHD interview & career coaching
(40+ classes taught)
June 8, 2022
UXW@Expedia Content Design + Storytelling
(60+ classes taught)
January 1, 2019
UXR@Google Web3 expert + self taught UXR ex Disney
(100+ classes taught)
March 15, 2023
UXD@Amazon Bilingual classes + interview prep
(~10 classes taught)
May 7, 2022
UXD@Amazon ex-tesla Top Adp list mentor
(~40 classes taught)
February 10, 2020
UXD@Amazon Interview prep + portfolio review
(~65 classes taught)
November 7, 2023
Sr UX @ Amazon, career planning + interview prep
(10+ classes taught)
February 1, 2023
UXD @ Pinterest. Self taught UX designer from graphic design
(~30 classes taught)
January 1, 2020
UXR Coach @MBA+Google internship
(50+ classes taught)
January 1, 2019
UXD@Epic games Fintech design lead + UX in gaming
(200+ classes taught)
March 5, 2023
UXD@META FAANG interview prep+portfolio reviews
(~50 classes taught)
I have 0 UX Experience?
Starting point: You have 0 UX knowledge, theory, projects, or experience.

Goal @ UXGO: Build strong UX fundamentals, understand the industry, and get ready to create your first resume & portfolio. (You may also have your first internship project already completed, if you applied for UXGO's 10-week accelerated course)
1. See if UX is right for you!
Make sure you are interested in UX for the right reasons. Bad reasons include: "I want a high salary. I can't code. UX jobs are easy to find. etc"

A good way to see if UX is right for you is by becoming a UXGO member. Memberships are very affordable, and can be canceled at any time.

You may also start with our free resources before spending any $! Here is our list of free recourses for you to use:

View our new Free UX beginners course presented by our core coach team "Uncovering the secret world of UX" (Coming soon oct 1st)

2. Build fundamentals with UXGO for free!
Still interested? Watch the free beginner UX fundamental course for free & get real 1:1 feedback as a member!

If you are truly committed, this is where we would commit to becoming a UXGO member.

Membership fees are much lower compared to any bootcamp alternatives out there.

Being a member also gives you the chance to get real-time feedback, 1:1 support & personalized learning all while networking with hundreds of UXGO members & big tech alumni. (All your membership fee's are contributed back to developing more UXGO resources & courses for members)

3. Feel committed to UX yet?
Remember everyone is unique, in order to succeed, become a member today to book a live 1:1 course with a coach of your choice to plan and accelerate your career.

Once you are confident UX is the right path for you should accelerate your UX career with our membership or advanced ten-week industry project courses.

As a member, you will also be able to keep attending live-workshops and access past recordings.

Full Access Members Only


Industry workshops & members courses

Try some here

Taught by UXGO coach team & industry guests

4. Create personal milestones for your UX career
Keep working with your coach 1:1 to identify your best path forward, and understand if you should apply for a master's or look for a job directly.

There are many UX tracks available, work with the coach of your choice 1:1 to find your unique path in UX. Understand the difference between UX researcher, UX designer, UX prototyper, Content designer, UX writer, UX engineer, and many more.

For masters, work with our master's application team to get into a great HCI program. (Limited Spots available, learn more here)

Wanting to go straight into Industry? Apply for the Advanced course-N team (0 experience team)
(Limited Spots available, learn more here)

“I would highly recommend you book a 1:1 with me or another UXR coach if you are transitioning industries. You do not want to figure all this out yourself.”

- Jason UXR Lead Coach (Web3/Google/Disney)

“You may have questions about if you still have enough time to apply for master, and what projects you need to get admission to a top program like CMU, I can help you with all this in just one simple 1:1 course.”

- Willa new UX career coach (CMU masters/Amazon)

“If you know you want to be a UX designer in the gaming world, its important you start out right. Many of my students working at Blizzard, riot, epic, or your dream company started out by careerout their custom careeer plan first with a 1:1 class.”

- Hannah UXD Lead Coach (Fintech/Gaming)

5. Create your UX resume & portfolio
Congratulations you have completed your first step in your UX career!

With strong fundamentals built, and a clear UX career track mapped out for you by your coaches, now is the time for you to get real industry experience and craft the perfect resume & portfolio to secure your interviews.
I am in school or a beginner?
Starting point: I have some UX knowledge but need help landing my first interview & offer.  (Current masters, undergrad, or boot camp grads)

Goal @ UXGO: Craft a strong UX resume & portfolio with real industry UX experiences, and interview-ready case studies to secure your first UX offer such as an internship, new grad role, or contract role.  

Time to goal completion (3-6 month average 53%, 12 month offer rate 71%)
1. Complete our UX skills assessment & UX personality test  
There is no one size fits all solution, which is why at this stage you should rely on our 1:1 system & coaching.

At this stage, you may continue to utilize our free resources such as job boards, but we highly recommend you become a member to accelerate your offer.

You may take the skills assessment & UX personality test for free, but only members can receive feedback & 1:1 courses based on the skills assessment & personality test. (Coming soon)

For now, join ouir slack & get your feedback directly from a coach like this.

Take the UX skills assessment & UX personality test

Coming soon
Coming Soon
2. Understand the recruitment timeline & steps
Study all the industry module courses to understand the job hunting process here.

After going through the module courses, this is where as a member it is important for you to stay active on Slack to attend live member courses, and office hours. We have 20+ coaches on our Slack channel where your questions will be answered in real-time.

3. Are you getting interviews?
Depending on how prepared you are, you may need to level up your resume & portfolio to land interviews.

There are many reasons on why you may not be getting interviews. This is why we work with every member 1:1.

Review your resume & portfolio on our member's Slack.

Attend all member live courses or watch all past loom recordings to build up industry technical skills, such as whiteboarding, Figma skills, and behavioral questions. There is always something new to learn here every week.

Book 1:1 sessions with coaches as needed.

Alumni tip: I was able to get great offers by only attending workshops, but for many of you booking 1-1 resources for interviews could be very valuable”

Taylor - UXD Amazon/Riot Games

Alumni tip: I used to never hear back with my old resume. However with workshops & specialized 1:1 classes with my coach in the gaming field, I landed my dream gaming role, even though I did not have any past UX work experience.

Vanessa - UXD Epic Games

4. I need real world UX projects & work experience?
The biggest reason none UXGO members fail is not having UX industry experience & skills.

Our live member's workshop will make sure you have something to improve every month.

While in the mean time, attend all member live courses or watch all past loom recordings to build up industry technical skills, such as whiteboarding, Figma skills, and behavioral questions. There is always something new to learn here every week.

Coach tip “If you lack work experience, consider applying to the ten-week industry accelerated course (for students with 1-2 years of UX experience) These work on real client projects with teams of real FAANG coaches, pm's developers, check out the workshop above. ”

Laura - UXR coach/Meta

5. Network in UXGO, keep applying, & get referrals
Get to know each Coach, and UXGO alumni. We offer referrals for qualified members at over 36 big tech companies. (However, we always remind members to focus on improving their skills & application material not just networking)

Coach tip “Everyone's path into UX is unique, check out my journey above from a business student to interning at tesla and designing at Amazon, do not let your education define you. If you want a referral, let us get to know you!”

Laura - UXD coach/Amazon/Tesla

6. Always book a 1:1 for interview prep to secure your offer.
Once you land an interview you should reach out to a coach ASAP. We have question banks, recordings, mocks, and real FAAANG interviewers ready to help you ace your first interview.

We highly recommend all members book at least 1:1 interview class. (This boosts offer rate by 50 - 80%)

On average a member books one to six 1:1 classes to prepare. (Our average is four 1:1 classes for big tech interviews)

Coach tip “Once you get your interview, this is where UXGO can really excel, our coach team often have great ways to make sure you feel exactly prepared before that critical moment. ”

Suruchi - UXD coach/Amazon/Walmart

I need to level up my career
Starting point: I am getting interviews at my dream company but I just can't get an offer. You may be a newgrad, someone who got recently laid off, or just want to move jobs.

Goal @ UXGO: Get that offer, even if it's just your first interview. first UX offer such as an internship, new grad role, or contract role.  

Time to goal completion (1-2 weeks 86%+ success rate, in 2021, 13/16 members secured an Amazon UX internship even though it was all of their first interviews. The other two went to Apple & Google.)
1. Book 1:1 interview prep to secure your offer ASAP.
In 2023, we spent over 22800+min in 1:1 interview prep for over 300 members.

The biggest mistake most students make is waiting too long to reach out. If this is your first interview to maximize your chances and secure an offer at a big tech company usually requires a week of high-intensity focused 1:1 coaching + a full mock. From our experience, most students usually require a series of four 1:1 interview classes.

However, depending on your interview ability and communication skills, this may take more.

If English is not your first language we recommend you reach out even earlier to prepare your behavioral questions.

See example 1:1 classes here with Suruchi.

2. Just failed an interview?  Identify exactly what went wrong!
Oftentimes, the unfortunate reality is some members join UXGO after a failed interview. The key thing here is to be self-critical and improve yourself. Be open to feedback.

Oftentimes, the unfortunate reality is some members join UXGO after a failed interview. The key thing here is to be self-critical and improve yourself. Be open to feedback.

Can't seem to pass the final round? Did you do bad in a screening? Tell us more and your coach will give you tailored support & feedback.Keep your head up, and work hard we'll help you get your offer in no time.

See example 1:1 classes with Namita or other members who had many failed interviews before they landed offers at Google, Telsa, Amazon, and many others.

Alumni comment: "I failed 6 interviews in 2023 before I got my intern offer at TESLA, I simply just did not know what I was doing wrong before UXGO"

Namita - UXGO alumni/Google

Alumni comment: "I failed 6 interviews in 2023 before I got my intern offer at TESLA, I simply just did not know what I was doing wrong before UXGO"

Kaya - UXGO alumni/Telsa

3. Train for the company specifically
Within our 20+ big tech coaches, our coaches have been on the hiring side for almost every major tech company.

We are very familiar with each company's unique culture and hiring standards, it is important you work with the right coach for the right company & prepare accordingly.

In 2023, we have helped over 160+ members gotten offers at over 200+ intern & new grad roles (US, CAN, UK, Singapore, AUS)

As the design lead at Meta, we often evaluate candidates using specific rubrics and guides. Make sure you prepare for the company you are interviewing for, each company is different.

Jyotti - UXD Guest Coach @ Meta

4. Trust the process,  get other advanced career help!
If you want more peer support, our UXGO community is extremely inclusive. You can work with other members to prepare together~ We also upgrade all members who have completed their goals into an Alumni account.

Check out members with the Alumni tag, these are not coaches but are members who have landed offers after UXGO classes and are happy to support you.

We are hoping you will do the same once you secure your offer~ Remember the key thing is to trust the process and to not get frustrated, our coach team is here to support you, always.

1. Express your interest
Currently a UXGO alumni? Send a message to UXGO and hear back from the UXGO lead coach team in less than 24 hours. ( Or Email )
2. 30 min video interview
Share your work experience and passion in mentorship.

Somethings we look at are:

"Do you have at least 2 years of FAANG or equivalent UX experience?
Have you have had at least 5 successful interview offers?
Are you in touch with the recent job market and application process?
What drives you to mentor students?"

To ensure coaching standards, not every application will be accepted. However, we review each application at a case by case basis. If we see your passion but do not feel confident in your experience yet, we ask you to remain a mentor to UXGO students, and apply to become a coach again at a later time.

3. Train as a guest coach
Congratulations! You past the initial application. However, work experience alone doesn't make a good coach. Grow your teaching skills through being a guest coach!

Being a guest coach allows you to host workshops, industry talks, and connect with UXGO students.

You will unlock exclusive UXGO coaching privileges, such as networking and advanced career support. For each of your taught sessions, you will also receive a payout (Payout is based on student interest and attendance)

UXGO insists on the highest coaching standards. Meaning as a guest coach, you are not allowed to coach students 1:1 without assistance just yet.

Being a guest coach was great. I didn't have the time commitment to help students 1:1 but I wanted to share with them my experience and advice for finding an UX internship at Meta. In the future I would like to move on and become a core coach.

Jyotti, UXD Guest Coach @ Meta

4. Become a core coach
You've grown your coaching experience, ready to help students 1:1? Upgrade to being a core coach.

Dont worry, we know coaching 1:1 is a lot of responsibility, so we're here to help! As a core coach you will be supported by your lead coach the entire way.

You will receive standardized coaching material from lectures, recordings, interview banks, past student samples, etc.

Being a core coach requires a significant time commitment to truly offer customized support for your student. We estimate 5 - 10 hours per week.

That is why we ask every core coach to not exceed 5 students at once. We value your time and commitment to helping students.

As a core coach you will directly receive a pay out based on whatever package your student purchased. We only keep a small % of management fee to cover the cost of all the resources and support we share with you.(Meaning the longer you coach with us, the less % we'll need to charge)

“If a student is willing to sign up for a 3 month pre-job hunting course package with you, we'll make sure you get all the support you need to help the student succeed. We will also give you the payout in full after deducting the small % management fee.”

Hannah, UXD Lead Coach

“As a Core coach, teach with your own flexible schedule. All we ask is you stay responsible and responsive to any student you agreed to coach.”

Jason, UXR Lead Coach

5. Become a partner to us
Show your commitment to UXGO, become a lead coach or UXGO partner.

Lead coaches are for only the most experienced of UXGO coaches. As a lead coach you must focus on at least one of the few areas:

1. Coached over 50 UXGO students and ensured an over 90% offer rate.

2. Have been a coach with UXGO for over 24 month.

3. Willing to support other UXGO coaches.

4. Valued & trusted partner in our larger UX community

As a lead coach you directly work with the UXGO

6. Got what it takes? 
Apply now to receive regular payouts coaching and offer real help to UX student today!

Apply at or connect with our members manager here on LinkedIn here for a faster response.

for UXD contact leon
for UXR contact Jason
Current member or UXGO alumni? 

Become an ambassador

Ambassadors unlock lifetime membership, merch, and exclusive partnership opportunities!

Erjing N/A Zhang
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July 21, 2024
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Jodie Wu
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July 5, 2024
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Jingwen Wang
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July 2, 2024
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Ada Gu
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Yulu Ripplinger
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Tabitha Gregg
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Adam Syed
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Oluwatunmise Ademeso
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