2024 FREE UXGO Resources

Explore our top-requested free resources for UXGO success. While these are valuable, real-time feedback awaits when you become a member. Don't just watch, roll with the community. Sign up when you're ready to level up!

23 - 24 Job board updated weekly
For refferals & Senior level roles, reach out on members slack
Created by our coaches from:

Try our Free Resume + Portfolio Figma start kit

This file is meant to give you a step-by-step guide on building all parts of your portfolio, including resume, case studies, and website.

Other free resources our coach team has created:

Coming soon! Here are other free resources curated by our coach team.

2024 Jobboards

Updated for newgrads/interns

Medium Articles

Read more articles on career growth here.

Youtube Recaps

Watch more free content on our youtube channel

Free events

Follow us on IG to stay in the loop for futrue UX events

We believe in affordable live 1:1 learning, so should you

Other UX courses
& Bootcamps
UXGO 1;1 classes
starting at $125
UX courses & homework
UX templates & resources
Referral & exclusive job opportunities
On demand Live QA from coaches
Weekly member live career workshops
Unlimited live async resume & portfolio revisions & more
Book a (60m) 1:1 course with any trained big tech UXGO coach
Intern - Sr level full interview prep (On demand booking 1:1)
Ten week big tech style internship advanced course (50 custom courses)
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