Cautiously use these UX interview courses. Always book a 1:1!

Tailored for interns to mid-level professionals, our highlighted resources are valuable. However, relying solely on recorded materials may impact your interview preparation. (Since every interview, hiring team, and every member like yourself are all very unique )Think of these resources as prep work, always book 1:1 sessions before interviews; the competitive UX industry in 2024 demands the best preparation. Don't miss a great opportunity. (For senior-level resources, connect with your coach directly on Slack—additional valuable resources are available.)

Here is an example of a rubric we use when we mock you for a full onsite aka final round.

We have special prep for these companies

UX Deck Interviews

Every interview, at every company, for every team, at every level is different. If you're wondering why our members achieve high offer rates and often secure their big tech jobs in the first interview, it's because they invest in multiple 1:1 sessions to polish their decks. Your deck is the 1# reason if you get hired or not. These resources are designed to get you started, not fully prepare you. In our opinion, it's always worth booking at least 1-2 classes with a coach on Slack for additional guidance

BQ Interviews

Behavioral questions (BQ) interviews are challenging to improve because mock attempts may not reveal mistakes. Mastering BQs can take time, or just one class for better self-understanding. If an interview fails, this is likely where the issue lies (unless your deck isn't strong). Note that each company has unique BQ expectations, more critical at higher interview levels. Using the same stories for different companies, like Amazon and Apple, often won't work well due to differing UX philosophies.

UX Technical Interviews

Whiteboard, app critique, and design challenge interviews are both enjoyable and essential for showcasing true UX capabilities. If you're new or switching careers, mastering these can be tough. Develop these skills through 1:1 sessions; at least one mock can significantly boost your chances of securing an offer, with a success rate of 9 out of 10. (Also be careful when reading non-uxgo resources, many of which are outdated and not created after Covid)

Active 2023 UXGO UXD Coaches - Book on Slack in #1-1 scheduling
Active 2023 UXGO UXR Coaches - Book on Slack in #1-1 scheduling
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